Certificate in Pioneer Mission

The certificate designed and awarded by CMS provides a foundation for pioneering mission. It is designed to be the sort of training that relates to a context, to a community, to the real world, somewhere where mission is being grounded. There is a wealth of wisdom, ideas, experiences and reflections, and indeed a long line of those who have gone before who can shed insight on the challenges of pioneering mission which we draw on. On the CMS certificate course there is so much to be learned through the friendships and community that grows with other learners. The model of learning is about the relationship between practice and reflection or action and reflection.

Those who’ve previously attended the course have been lay, in ordained ministry, full time, part time, and extra time, paid, underpaid, unpaid and self-funding through to missional enterprise. They’ve included youth workers, children’s ministers, retirees and those pioneering whilst holding down jobs or managing family commitments.

Below is a short video filmed at the celebration of those completing their certificates in October 2022, watch to hear why the event meant so much for all involved, and to hear a bit more about the certificate.


All those who attend teaching days and complete the evidence of learning are awarded the CMS certificate in Pioneer Mission. Those not completing the evidence of learning receive an award for taking part in the course.

The Pioneer Certificate in Cumbria forms part of our accredited learning training pathway. Pioneers in Cumbria who are supported by their local Mission Community can become Authorised Lay Pioneer Ministers in Cumbria with a certificate from the Bishop of Carlisle that lasts five years, if they attend sessions and complete evidence of learning.

Course Structure

The course consists of six teaching weekends which run bi-monthly, with small groups running in between. The modules you could study are*:

  • Pioneering Mission
  • Doing Theology / Reading the Bible
  • Church In Mission
  • Missional Leadership
  • Missional Spirituality 
  • Missional Entrepreneurship

£330 subsidised cost for those in Cumbria, £630 for those out of county (other subsidies may be available depending on your location). note: cost may be subject to change, please contact us for an up to date cost.



Application form

If you have any further queries about the course please contact: nmc@carlislediocese.org.uk