Leading Out Course

What is it about?
Pioneering Parishes provides tools to help parishes become more outward looking, enabling parish priests and congregations to extend the care of souls – without increasing workload. Founded on the belief that pioneering is integral to parish life, the webinar courses, events and tools enable churches to shift energy out into the parish or mission community.
Who is it for?
The course is particularly suited to new incumbents, incumbents who are new to the diocese of Carlisle and incumbents or curates who want to do new, relevant things in their parish.
What resources or time are needed?
This six week course held over zoom will feature stories from around the diocese and beyond of churches who are building on traditional worshipping communities to give their local community something new, engaging and attractive. You will gain tools and strategies which you can use in your context.
What will it do?
When you finish the course, you will have: Considered how a process of setting and embedding values in your congregation allows decisions to be made on principle rather than personal preference. Encountered tools and strategies for re-balancing the distribution of resources between new and time-honoured forms of church, between mission and ministry. Explored the factors in becoming an adaptive church: roles, partnerships, learnings from ‘Adaptive Church’ by Dustin Benac. Considered the postures and practices required to lead a mixture of churches, traditional, recent and new, as equal, connected and distinct. Received guidance on how to manage people with a pioneer charism and call, and nurture alternative thinkers.

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