We believe that all Christians have a vocation; gifts and experiences that they can offer to God in His service. The role of the Vocations Team is to help individuals to discern what theirs are and to encourage church leaders to help members of their congregations to do so.
When an individual or church leader contacts the Vocations Team, by email or through the website, the enquiry will be passed to one of the three Vocations Coordinators (North, South and West). They will have an initial conversation with the individual to understand the background to the enquiry and they will then identify the most suitable Vocations Advisor to meet with them.
That Vocations Advisor will normally have three meetings with the individual (in person or online) during which time they will together explore their giftings and the options available to them to pursue their calling. Following these meetings, the Vocations Advisor will communicate the conclusions to the individual, the relevant parish priest or minister, the Vocations Coordinator and the appropriate Diocesan or Ecumenical representative (Director of Ordinands or Warden of Readers, etc.).
That Diocesan (or other) representative will then progress the recommendation with appropriate references and checks being undertaken.
If you would like to talk to someone about what God might be calling you to be and do, you can contact one of the Vocations Coordinators.
You can find more information here: Vocations – Diocese of Carlisle