‘We are Community’ FX Day
Saturday 19 November saw over fifty people attend the Fresh Expressions Day, which was centred around the theme ‘We are Community’.
After a gap of two years, it was great to see new and familiar faces in the room. Guest speakers, Kinder and Gina Kalsi from Church Army gave food-for-thought on how to build community and a sense of belonging in Fresh Expressions and Pioneering. As part of their sharing, they asked us to think about the following questions when thinking about those in our Fresh Expressions or pioneering groups:
- How do we recognise who is on a faith journey?
- What would help you recognise where Christian community is developing from community?
- What are the opportunities and challenges in your context in communicating and expressing the Christian faith?
The last question could be one any group or church explores when thinking about Mission. What would your answer to this question be? To you personally, or for your group/church?
It wasn’t all talking though, and Kinder also taught us some new moves through Bhangra dancing which was a highlight of the day and had (most)! people up on their feet.
There were also workshops around the theme of ‘We are Community’ from speakers across Cumbria and the North, talking about making connections with people when you have none, how to lead out of who you are and what discipleship looks like in a Fresh Expression. The mixture of story, creativity and practical application meant that people went away better equipped to engage or develop Fresh Expressions.
The Pioneer Enablers also created a Seedbank Resource for people to engage with that also linked to more resources online. If you’d like to access these you can do so here. To find out more about Fresh Expressions and Pioneering in Cumbria please visit the Northern Mission Centre pages on the Website.
To end, I include a liturgy used on the day using the analogy of a Kite, that explores the concept of being tethered yet free. We invited those attending to add their own lines to the kite (see photo) and put these together to do the liturgy again at the end of the day, but with some of their own lines added.
Kite Liturgy
Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together (Colossians 3:14)
Let us be tethered
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32)
Let us be free
With all that we are
Let us be tethered yet free
With what’s gone before
Let us be tethered yet free
As we journey together
Let us be tethered yet free
As we find the flow
Let us be tethered yet free
Grounded in faith, lifted in spirit
Let us be tethered yet free
Instil in us a prophetic language
Let us be tethered yet free
Connected to Jesus, but free to be who he has made me to be
Let us be tethered yet free
As we sweep low and twist in loops
Let us be tethered yet free
Moving with the grace of the winds, following the missionary spirit of God
Let us be tethered yet free
As we live in community
Let us be tethered yet free
The mountains and hills will burst into song
Let us be tethered yet free
As we celebrate difference, as we find our new shape
Let us be tethered yet free
Lori Passmore
Northern Mission Centre Project Officer